STC Fashion posing guide for iPad - now on iTunes

Since the day I started shooting fashion I have been asked countless times about fashion action poses.
"Where can we see more of them?"
"Where can we learn about them?"
"How do we put our model in the right pose  so it does not look silly?"
Those were just a couple of questions photographers in search of spicing up their work were asking me at my seminars.

We put our heads together with the experts at Shoot The Centerfold (which I am also part of) and created this unique, one of a kind posing guide for fashion action poses not available anywhere else in the known universe. We drafted the scorchingly hot model Karin Škufca, who was featured in countless fashion magazines, billboards, book covers and also in Playboy, and photographed her showing the fashion poses for this interactive iPad guide.

I wish this guide to be a great benefit for all the photographers who are ready to take their work to the next level. It is available for purchase and immediate download on iTunes world-wide here and before purchase you can download a free sample to check it out.

I hope you enjoy reading and using this posing guide as much as I enjoyed making it!

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